Sekirei Wiki
Hidaka Chiho
Japanese Name


Occupation hospitalized (formerly)
Gender female
Voice Actors
Seiyū Sayori Ishizuka
English Janét Mason
Image Gallery

Chiho is a young girl who was confined into the Hiyamakai Hospital, owned by Higa Izumi, because she suffers from an aggressive, incurable virus. The medicine she takes is just slowing down the spreading of the virus but the medicine doesn't heal her.[1] She loves her Sekirei, Uzume, dearly and admits this openly. According to her, for someone who has lost her parents when she was young and has been lonely ever since, Uzume gave her purpose and a reason to continuing living.[1] She is ashamed that she can't do anything as an Ashikabi for Uzume due to her illness (in her opinion, which Uzume refutes). Chiho initially has no idea that she is being used by Higa so that Uzume would commits crimes in order to protect her and Uzume has stated multiple times that Chiho doesn't need to know about it.[2] Chiho first met Uzume when Uzume was running from MBI, and the two began to bond almost immediately. After that, Uzume visited her everyday with her costumes and Chiho eventually became Uzume's Ashikabi. Throughout the series, Uzume has visited Chiho many times and the latest time before Uzume's termination was right after her failed attempt to take Minato's newly earned Jinki. Minato and his Sekirei rescue Chiho in a successful attempt to free Uzume from Higa's control, and transport her to one of MBI's facilities for treatment.[3]


SEKIREI Pure Engagement - ED2 - Large 01

Chiho in her usual dress

Because of Chiho`s disease, any time that she is not in the hospital, she is in a wheelchair. She seems to like long dresses and is seen in one in a scene where Uzume imagines bringing her to Izumo Inn, however, she is almost always seen in a hospital gown, In the anime, Chiho is able to walk after Minato acquires the information to cure Chiho's disease, this is later true in the manga as well. In terms of height, she is one of the shorter characters in the series, although she has never been fully compared as she is almost always in either a wheelchair, or a bed. However, in the one scene that Uzume imagines, she is clearly much shorter than her Sekirei, who stands at 163 cm/5'3. She has blonde hair and brown eyes.


Chiho is a kindhearted girl which has been mentioned many times by Uzume and she once told Kazehana that she believes Chiho would not lose to Minato in term of their kindness.[4] She has also shown a great understanding of Uzume, and is easily able to feel what Uzume is feeling through their bond as an Ashikabi and Sekirei. She is friendly, sociable, and sweet, and Kusano instantly takes a liking to her because of this fact. She is strong-willed, retaining hope of seeing the world and being able to walk again, despite the misery and dull repetition of the years after the loss of her parents, something which is strengthened by her bond with Uzume.


  • No. 10 Uzume (terminated by Sai in the manga and by Toyotama in the anime.)[5]


Not much is known about Chiho's past except that she already suffered from her illness when Uzume met her and had lost both of her parents in a plane crash.


As of the final chapters of the manga, Chiho is happily reunited with her beloved Uzume. After that, she becomes a new resident of Izumo Inn along with her revived Sekirei.

Anime and Manga differences[]

  • In the Manga, Chiho meets Minato's Sekirei for the first time when they barge into her room after a battle with Higa's Sekirei. In the Anime, Chiho's first encounter with one of Minato's Sekirei is when she meets Kusano outside the hospital during a walk.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Sekirei Manga chapter 99
  2. Sekirei Manga chapter 81
  3. Sekirei Manga chapter 106
  4. Sekirei Manga chapter 54
  5. Sekirei manga chapter 107